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"Johnny Depp regularly abused Amber Heard--both physically and emotionally--throughout much of their relationship."


While this might seem like a strong opening statement to the casual onlooker, I have read National Enquirer articles with more truth to them than this. 


Throughout much of this analysis, I will be examining Amber Heard's claims very closely, and I will be revealing the little-known secret that she has learned how to travel through time, manipulate physics, transform rooms to her liking, and, of course, lie about anything and everything. 


See, what this opening paragraph fails to mention is that Amber Heard was never "forced" to do anything, let alone file for divorce. In fact, it was Johnny that left her first. Oops.


As for that last bit--let's take a look at that. 


"The ensuing media frenzy."


Evidently it was Johnny who sold Amber's photos to People Magazine, and it was Johnny who sold the video to TMZ, and it was Johnny who did all of Amber's interviews...and it was actually Johnny who sat in front of the camera for Amanda De Cadanet and GirlGaze. 


The only fucking person that ever "distorted the truth" was Amber Fucking Heard. 


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They go on to mention that she was hired by the ACLU as the Ambassador for Women's Rights, and does conferences.


This is not relevant to this lawsuit. 


"Her article does not mention Mr.Depp."


No, it might not mention him by name, but it does talk about how she is a victim of domestic violence, and the only fucking domestic violence she has ever allegedly "suffered" was at the hands of Johnny Depp. 


This kind of reminds me of the women on Judge Judy who tried to sell another woman a picture of a cell phone on Ebay. When taken to court, her defense was that in the fine print the ad said it was only a photograph of a cell phone. 


What I mean is, Amber Heard KNEW she was talking about Johnny Depp, but she wanted to use the loophole that if she didn't mention his name, she was "safe". Just like if the people buying the phone didn't read the entire ad, then it was their fault for paying 326 dollars for a photograph. 


It's manipulation, plain and simple. 


"Mr. Depp concedes that every sentence in the op-ed is literally true."


No he doesn't. Show me where he said that. A defamation claim means that he is suing her for trying to defame him using FALSE FUCKING CLAIMS.


Literally. What an embarrassing lawyer.



"He used the op-ed as a pretext to sue Ms. Heard." - Yeah, probably because she tried to defame him in it using false accusations that were thrown out of court in 2016. 


"He now claims...that he has dozens of witnesses." - Just now? Really? Because last time I looked at his witness list, it has stayed remarkably similar to the witness list from his Sun suit, and his 2016 divorce. 


Blah blah blah.


"It simply need be noted that the issues, witnesses, and premises that will prove the truth of Ms. Heard's defenses are all located in Los Angeles, California." - This is the main argument her lawyer has made for moving the case to LA. According to him, the issues cannot be talked about unless the case is in Los Angeles, the witnesses cannot travel to Virginia in this day and age of modern technology, and the he possibly referring to the penthouses that Johnny SOLD? There is literally no argument for the case to be moved. None. Evidence can travel, witnesses can travel, and there are no longer any premises in LA that are relevant to this lawsuit. 

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