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Consider how information travels around the internet.

It goes fast.

And every time another person gets the information, it changes slightly. 

Elements get removed, changed, added, switched around...and the piece of information is completely and entirely different than it was to begin with.

Here is a fix for that.

  Johnny Depp wore an earpiece on set to have lines fed to him. 

Wrong. Johnny Depp wore an earpiece on set to have sound effects and music fed to him to help him get into character better. 

LINK: Click.

 There is a video of Johnny throwing a wine glass at Amber. 

Wrong. No such video exists. The only instance of him throwing a wine glass anywhere is him tossing a wine glass into a sink. 

 Johnny Depp punched someone on set.

Wrong. The case has not been proven, and the plaintiff (Rocky) failed to show up to his court date. Furthermore, Johnny has witness statements and photographs to prove that the assault never happened.

 Johnny Depp was arrested for abuse. 

Wrong. Johnny Depp has never been arrested on any abuse allegations. 

Since Amber Heard is a woman, she wouldn't lie about abuse. 

Wrong. Amber Heard's gender means nothing when it comes to what she will and will not lie about. 

Since Amber Heard is a woman, she wouldn't lie about abuse. 

Wrong. Amber Heard's gender means nothing when it comes to what she will and will not lie about. 

 Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard for money. 

Wrong. Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard for the hell she put him through, and continues to put him through. He is suing her to clear his name, and to prove once and for all that SHE was the abuser. 

 Amber Heard never broke the NDA. 

Wrong. Amber Heard breaks the NDA every time she calls herself a victim of domestic abuse, because she is indirectly referring to the 'abuse' she 'suffered' at the hands of Johnny Depp. 

  Johnny Depp paid Amber Heard 7 million to drop the DV case.  

Wrong. The seven million dollars that Amber Heard received in the DIVORCE case was only given to her because she was entitled to it based on California Divorce law.

  Johnny Depp paid Amber Heard 7 million to drop the DV case.  

Wrong. The seven million dollars that Amber Heard received in the DIVORCE case was only given to her because she was entitled to it based on California Divorce law.

  Johnny Depp spoke out about Amber many times.  

Wrong. The only statement that Johnny Depp made about the divorce or Amber was the statement that Laura Wasser gave the media in 2016. Since then, the only time he has talked about her was in his GQ article.

  Johnny Depp lost a court trial against Amber Heard.  

Wrong. There is no way for Johnny Depp to have lost a court trial, since there never was a court trial between him and Amber Heard. 

  Johnny Depp admitted to abusing Amber Heard.  

Wrong. Johnny Depp never made any such admission to anyone or anything.

  Johnny Depp suddenly remembered the abuse after 3 years. 

Wrong. Johnny Depp had evidence outlining her abusive behavior since 2016. He never 'suddenly remembered anything'. He simply didn't have a way to prove it, the right way, until now.

  There is a video of Johnny Depp abusing Amber Heard. 

Wrong. There is not a video of Johnny Depp abusing Amber Heard. There is a video of Amber Heard psychologically abusing Johnny Depp.

 Johnny Depp has a record of domestic violence. 

Wrong. No such record exists. 

 Amber Heard's 'bruise' was real. 

Wrong. Multiple eye witnesses, including building employees and two police officers, all state that they never saw Amber Heard with any marks on her face when the incident apparently occurred. 

 The police officers took photographs of Amber Heard's bruise. 

Wrong. No such photographs were ever taken by any police officers. 

 Amber Heard's domestic violence arrest was a 'misunderstanding. 

Wrong. Her arrest in 2009 was for a misdemeanor domestic violence charge. The assault was witnessed by Officer Leonard, who is a out gay woman. When the story resurfaced, Tasya van Ree (the victim) claimed that the officer only arrested Heard based on homophobic motivations. The officer spoke out and denied it.

 Johnny Depp hit Kate Moss. 

Wrong. No such incidents were ever reported by Kate, and the only incident that involved any kind of police attention was when he tore apart a hotel room.

 Amber Heard had more witnesses than Johnny Depp. 

Wrong. Amber Heard planned to call a total of seven witnesses. Johnny Depp had 23 witnesses.

 Johnny Depp's friends and bodyguards spoke against him. 

Wrong. None of his friends or body guards spoke against him. Ever.

 Johnny Depp was charged with domestic violence. 

Wrong. Johnny Depp was never arrested for, charged with, or convicted on domestic violence allegations. 

 Amber Heard immediately filed a police report. 

Wrong. She did not file a police report right away.  

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