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Finding help for serious situations can be challenging, but there are places you can turn to.

Consider talking to a trusted family member or friend, a counselor, or investigate this list of resources. 

I have included all of the domestic violence hotlines I could find, and a list of suicide hotlines as well.


I will add more resources in due time.  

Mankind Initiative - Help for men in the UK

Domestic Violence NSW: 1-800-737-732 |  Website  | New South Wales

Domestic Violence Hotline Queensland: 1-800-811-811 |  Website  | Queensland

Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline: (08) 9223 1188 |  Website  | Western Australia

VictimLink BC: 604-875-0885 |  Website  | British Columbia

Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 1-877-977-0007 |  Website  | Manitoba

Island Help Line: 1-800-218-2885 |  Website  | Prince Edward Island

Women's Hotline in Beijing: 010-68333388 |  Website  | Beijing

Domestic Violence Crisis Line: 0800 733 843 |  Website  | New Zealand

Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 |  Website  | United Kingdom

Argentina: +5402234930430

Australia: 131114

Austria: 017133374

Belgium: 106

Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05

Botswana: 3911270

Brazil: 188 for the CVV National Association

Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal)

Croatia: 014833888

Denmark: +4570201201

Egypt: 7621602

Estonia: 3726558088; in Russian 3726555688

Finland: 010 195 202

France: 0145394000

Germany: 08001810771

Holland: 09000767

Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000

Hungary: 116123

India: 8888817666

Ireland: +4408457909090

Italy: 800860022

Japan: +810352869090

Mexico: 5255102550

New Zealand: 0800543354

Norway: +4781533300

Philippines: 028969191

Poland: 5270000

Portugal: 21 854 07 40/8 . 96 898 21 50

Russia: 0078202577577

Spain: 914590050

South Africa: 0514445691

Sweden: 46317112400

Switzerland: 143

United Kingdom: 08457909090

USA: 18002738255

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